Here's how our Boardstyle Skateboard and Snowboard Shop was born

Let me introduce myself I am a Skaters with a dream........

Hi I am MaikP owner of Boardstyle, I am writing you this little article to make you understand why Boardstyle was born and what is the difference between Boardstyle and another store. If you don't feel like reading I suggest you to go directly to the bottom of the page, there you will find a small description of the more commercial Boardstyle store, if instead you want to understand why a Skaters opened a Skateboard and Snowboard store keep reading :-)

1988 We start here...

Let's start here: 1988 after watching a movie on TV ( massacre race ) I decide to buy my first Skateboard, so almost for fun, I still remember it was a California Pro board. While all my friends start going out to clubs and discos I watching and rewatching that videotape start to learn the first tricks, with the first tricks closed I realize more and more that my life will be on a skateboard.

MaikP a tail slide that came out wrong 1989

1991 the first sponsors.

In 1991 comes my first sponsor, "Ultima Follia", that was the name of the skateboard store in Cesano Maderno that first believed in me, proud to be in a team I start to travel around Italy to participate in contests and skate events, meanwhile fortunately my parents take me every summer to the sea near Ravenna, at that time Romagna was already full of Skateparks and ramps, there I manage to raise a little also my Skating level, I then manage to convince my parents to let me build a small miniramp behind in the terrace of my house to be able to train, here in Milan in those days it was difficult to find ramps to train on.

Photo: MaikP 1994 Macugnaga

1993 and Snowboarding In 1993 I was literally dragged to the mountains by my friends and my girlfriend ( now my wife Elisa ).... Ok it's done!!! The other monkey is on my shoulder ( I had a free one ), Skate and Snowboard are practically part of my life. In 1996 I even manage to place 6th in the Lombard absolute Halfpipe championship and 13th in the Italian absolute championship also in Halfpipe. Traveling around Europe in Snow and Skate I also begin to realize what real Skate and Snowboard stores look like, beautiful full of boards, in short real Skateshops and Snowboard shops!!!

MaikP at the Usmate ramp

2003 Skate and Photography My passion for photography is helped by the advent of the first digital cameras, I start taking pictures of Skaters all over the boot, I split my time between being a Skater and a photographer, Together with some of my friends I open a new website called The Boardfathers ( Old School Skater Come Back ) I start posting my shots there until I even get to publish some of them in specialized magazines like 6:am, Freestyler magazine and Snowboard Magazine, meanwhile more and more I become convinced that the work I do does not satisfy me as it should ( Electronic/Information Technology technician ).

Photo: 2009 Boardstyle just opened ( first location )

2009 The first day of Boardstyle.

I finally decide to open Boardstyle in Limbiate, in a small town in the province of Monza Brianza, of course the decision was also conditioned by the fact that my former company stopped paying me my salary for months, but that's another story.....returning to us, more and more convinced I have only one thing in mind, I want to open Boardstyle and I don't want to do like many others, I don't want to be the usual salesman who just tries to sell, I want to really advise my customers. The opening comes on April 18, 2009, I still remember the effort made by me my wife my in-laws and my two friends Ale and Fede, to spruce up the store before the opening. The day of the opening an incredible success, friends and people practically invaded the Via Trieste in Limbiate, I still remember that there were people even in the middle of the street and cars could no longer pass, a spectacle!!! Another thing I remember from that day is the words of a little boy's dad who said to me while I was mounting his son's board, " I can tell you have mounted many skate boards even before you had the store."

Boardstyle (second Location ) just opened at 93 Via Trieste in Limbiate

2010 A tough climb.

Since the day Boardstyle opened my life has changed, and not only mine, Italy at that time did not enjoy such a rich economy and it enters more and more in crisis, staying afloat becomes more and more difficult, fortunately however people start to know Boardstyle, my passion for Skate manages to involve many guys, I manage to unite many skaters in my area and every now and then I still organize outings and events, I often go to Skeitare with my friends/customers, many of my customers come to visit me even if only for the sake of being with me there in the store, in the meantime I realize that Boardstyle becomes too small to fit everything we need and that the rent is too expensive for what the location is, I make some sacrifices and decide to move to a bigger and more spacious store practically at the same price as the other, and so comes Boardstyle 2. 0, always in Limbiate and always in Via Trieste this time at No. 93, at the same time with the new store was also born the 2.0 version of the site to help me in sales, remember I was a computer technician?

2015 Landyachtz Longboard team stops by.

During the filming of their video Skate & Explorer Europe the Landyachtz team contacted me and asked me if they could come and shoot some parts of their video in Italy, thanks also to my supplier Action Now that presents Boardstyle as the best Italian Longboard store,Billy Bones, Charlie Dagger, Dillon Stephens come to the store to shoot the video and sign autographs, the next day me and some of my riders went with them to Skeitare in a mountain here in our parts to shoot with them some scenes of the video. As planned the Skate & Explorer Europe video comes out after a few months and like all the other editions it goes around the world with a lot of views, Boardstyle gets known all over the world.

2016 Skateboarding instructor.

In 2016 I attend the FIHP instructor course now FISR and manage to become a national skateboard instructor, the certificate is also recognized by the CONI Olympic committee, what an honor!!! I instructor of a sport that I have always loved.

2017 SKATEZONE ASD and the hope of a Skatepark.

In 2017 I my wife Elisa and Alice ( a girl skaters from Limbiate ) create a non-profit amateur sports association SKATEZONE A.S.D. It's true, Skateboard is not a sport, unfortunately however in Italy to have credibility with municipalities and be able to be considered is the only way out, plus with the affiliation to FISR ( old FIHP ) we manage to organize more and more beautiful contests and events to promote skateboarding throughout the territory. Our hope and dream is to be able to get the municipality of Limbiate to build us a Skatepark where we can train.

May 25, 2019 after 10 years Boardstyle changes again ( Third Location )

Ok guys it's been 10 years since Boardstyle opened, MaikP and Ellis really believe in's time for a change of location and a change of life.... thanks to Ellis (my wife) I find a little store of the same square footage as Boardstyle Limbiate in another pesino 5 minutes drive away, Senago (MI) the location is wonderful, around the store there is a smooth square with a very spacious indoor porch, then there are, bars, restaurants, ice cream parlors and other stores, in our opinion it is the right place,work begins, 2 Months of sacrifices, in the morning we build Boardstyle Senago and in the afternoon we disassemble and send forward Boardstyle Limbiate. Finally comes the time of the inauguration and by sheer coincidence it happens on May 25, 2019 date of the arrival of Eddie El Gato Elguera in Italy, well yes ladies and gentlemen, the world Skateboard legend will be at the inauguration of Boardstyle Senago, who would have thought it? One of the World Skateboard Legends pro from H-Street will inaugurate Boardstyle Senago!!! What can we say, now all that's left to do is to get busy with the promise of organizing events in the new super smooth Shop square....Boardstyle is now at 18/a Tricolor Square in Senago (MI) 20030.

2021 FISR / CONI National Skateboard Judge.

With the advent of Skateboarding in the Olympics and after organizing various events such as the Death Dance and X-Masters it is good to make the organizational skills official, in May 2021 MaikP enrolls in the FISR Skateboard Judge course and passes the exam at the end of June, now it is official , MaikP is a national Skateboard judge.

2021 The new website is also born.

In conjunction with Skateboarding day on June 21, 2021 I presented to everyone the new Boardstyle 4.0 website with new technologies and new functions to improve product search.

2021 SkateZone ASD and the City of Senago are participating in the OutDoor call.

Thanks to Daniele Lamanna builder and designer of Skatepark ( UAO Skatepark ) I came to know about this Outdoor notice made available by region Lombardia. Immediately I contacted the Mayor and the Councillor for Sport of the municipality of Senago explaining them the project and the notice, and thanks also to their timeliness we managed to participate and even win the notice!!! You won't believe it but we actually won a Skatepark!!!

Click to find out how we were able to win a Skatepark for our city.

2023 SkateZone ASD helps with the opening of the Senago Skatepak

Finally the dream has come true, it really seems like a dream but it is reality, the skatepark in Senago is ready and finished, the park was built in about 6 months by ICO Construction, on the opening day the municipality asked us to organize skateboard lessons for all the kids in Senago and so we did.

Click to see the alrticle from the opening day of the Senago Skatepark

Newspapers are talking about Boardstyle.

With the news of Skateboarding at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics even local newspaper reporters are starting to talk about Skateboarding, below is a small interview done with our riders Stefano Barbizzi and Alessio Damato DH Longboard champions, the interview was done directly in the store by Boardstyle.

Eddie El Gato Elguera

At the opening of Boardstyle Senago there was an exceptional godfather, Eddie El Gato Elguera came to cut the ribbon of the new store in Senago, the next day we all went together to the Skatepark where we watched a demo of the legendary El Gato.

Vans Shop Riot & Santa Cruz

Boardstyle teams at the Vans Shop riot, Almost every year Boardstyle participates with its team at the Vans Shop Riot, in 2017 for the occasion Santa Cruz supported us by donating t-shirts and stickers to give to our friends, that day the team guys participated in the Skeitando event with the "Boardstyle Logo Twin" board and the Canta Cruz t-shirt.

MaikP with Eric Dressn

MaikP, with Caballero and Hosoi

MaikP with Tony Hawk

MaikP whit Travis Rice

MaikP Bardonecchia Wood Snowboard Park

MaikP Giorgio Zattoni Skatepark

Ollie nose grab to fakie Skatepark Parco Lambro photo: SteveB

MaikP Fakie Ollie Usmate photo: SteveB

MaikP, DownHill Longboard

Slide SurfSkate and Cruiser Landyachtz

The showcase of Boardstyle Senago

+ 300 Skateboard decks always available

Free shipping to Germany, Austria, Spain, and France for orders over €150.

All the products available on our website are also truly available at our physical store
Boardstyle, in Senago (MI), at Piazza Tricolore 18/a."

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